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 Bed & Breakfast, Guest Houses

Hotel Au soleil

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Hotel Au soleil

Italy / Saint Vincent

hotel ***

Via Marconi 20

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Stanza privata a partire da 30,00 EURO a letto per notte

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carved in the wood of a lot of houses climbed on the sweet hill of Saint Vincent in Valle d'Aosta and some in the whole rest of the aostan mountain , you will find this sentence that reflects the typical style of life of our mountaineers. It underlines, to his way, the importance of the practical things on those ephemeral.Thinking about this we have tried to realize our new house, the Hotel Au Soleil of Saint-Vincentin the Aosta Valley: walls and soundproofing floors, windows and doors,constant air exchange, comforting beds and mattresses.Because our guest first of all has to relax, then the rest comes.

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